Christmas Candle Traditions & History

Christmas celebrations are famously acknowledged by different groups of people in very distinct ways depending on the community's traditions and beliefs. The fact is that Christmas sets a great celebration mood and invites a great many people across the world to enjoy this time with their family and friends. It is very interesting how a tradition can be carried over from one generation to the next consistently, and the use of candles during Christmas celebrations is one such tradition.

Below, we'll take a look at Christmas traditions that make use of candles throughout the world, and we'll examine just how far back these traditions go and where they come from.

Celebrating the Birth of Jesus

The association between candles and Christmas can be traced back to the Middle Ages as recorded in the Bible. A good number Christians observe this custom which is meant to be a day to commemorate the birth of Jesus. By lighting candles during Christmas eve, this represents the Star of Bethlehem that guided the Magi to the manger where baby Jesus was born.

Another set of Christians consider Jesus as the “light of the world,“ and they light candles during Christmas to celebrate the birth of the “light of the world;” Jesus. These candles are lit all through the night of Christmas eve to Christmas day itself. In modern life, some Christians organize candlelight services that entail lighting the worship places with nothing but candles as they sing Christmas Carols.

Christians in different regions light candles for different reasons and in diverse ways. For example, in countries like Southern India, the Christians usually light up clay lamps with oil which is later placed on their rooftops to celebrate Christmas. In China, Christians use paper lights in the same celebration mood to beautify their Christmas trees and homes.

Creating a Romantic Setting Through Scent

Another group of people use scented candles to add aroma in their living spaces. This comes in perfectly to create the intended romantic or casual Christmas dinner with your loved ones. These scented candles made of either or a combination of soy, mineral wax and rapeseed wax come in different notes of cinnamon, citrus, fir tree, sweet, nutmeg, vanilla and all scents that remind you of the most exciting seasons of the year. These candles can inspire you to send messages of affection, hope and kindness.

Decorating and Spreading Cheer

In the 19th Century, business owners in England who were candle makers and grocers customarily gifted their customers with large sized candles. The recipients would then light them to celebrate the holiday by creating beautiful decorations at their homes. Christmas decorations are not considered complete without these candles, and they have become one of the favorite decoration components since that period. Candle decorations send a warm gesture to your guests, and your guests will feel more appreciated if you share one or two of your Christmas candles with them. Christmas candles are among the most appreciated items that people give each other during this season.

Honoring a Diverse Range of Traditions

In the celebrations of the ancient winter solstice, people used to welcome the spring season by lighting up candles. Candles have also been used in the past in other celebrations like those observed among the Jewish; they set aside eight days in a celebration known as Hanukkah. This was a festival of lights that was celebrated during the winter season. These festivals used different sizes of candles which were then arranged in a defined order to bring out the beauty of the candles. This celebration was meant to commemorate the rededication of the Jerusalem Temple.

Candles have long been used to highlight dinner setups and stimulate the mood around living spaces during all of these celebrations. You can agree with the world that Christmas candles spread good vibes through all areas of life, one candle at a time.